Monday, May 16, 2011


Positive affirmations - if only I'd known about them when I was younger. I only cottoned on to this concept in my mid-twenties. Anything before that was just words to me and not very relevant.

Since I've learnt to understand affirmations and how I can use them to focus on everything that is of importance to me internally, I feel like my life has skyrocketed and that I've finally got my ducks in a row. I'm not a millionaire, but I have a nice roof over my head and a bed and pillow to sleep on at night. I'm not famous, but I am in love and am married to my husband, my best friend. I don't look like Giselle, but I look like myself and I am happy with that. I'm not climbing the corporate ladder, instead wake up everyday knowing I can push the boundaries of my photography business because.... I'm the boss!


I hope you can use affirmations to get everything you want in your life. It works a charm.

Images: weheartit

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