Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today I have a terrible case of bloggers block. I can't think of anything to write about, so in lieu, here are some images of Kim Basinger to keep you marveling at how beautiful she is.



I'm going to watch 500 Days of Summer when I find time this week.
okay day. im bored as hell though. just saw the new trailer for the smurfs, even more dissapointed. it's def convinced me to really not see it in theatures. plus what is with all the cgi/live action crap? it was cool when the incredibles came out, but after that it got outta hand. idk why every children's film has got to be made in cgi format. can they just go back to the classical ink and paper and produce real animation like we used to?

anyways,tomorrow im visiting my new house, soo excited. until then i can decide if i want to keep living with my family or be on my own in a housing complex. im soo confused. but i'll be bringing my camera with me. idk if im going to miss this city or fucking be glad to leave. i'm starting my facebook leave in about 5 mins, right after i type up a new stauts update.

*types stautus update*

its finished. going to print out pics of the house we're soo ready to leave. goodbye for now.

edit: oh yeah here's some pics i took, gonna miss these flowers!

i'll post the rest laters


There's something that creeps me out about this Guy Bourdin shot. I don't know why. Could it be because I don't like people touching my face?

Image: Guy Bourdin

Street Style Report: Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa all'età di 8 anni inizia a prendere parte a musical come cantante e appare anche in produzioni locali. Il ruolo più importante di Vanessa è sicuramente quello che ha avuto nei film della serie High School Musical. Il suo stile è fatto di abiti confortevoli, che lei sa mixare in modo molto chic. Skinny jeans con camicie e maglioni, accompagnati da una collana o un bracciale, e per finire, una borsetta coordinata.

Se volete seguirla su twitter, eccovi il link al suo profilo ufficiale!
Ispiratevi al suo stile con una selezione di capi ed accessori da Giglio.com

Suede bag
$165 - pinkmascara.com

Anouck Lepere, Lyoka Tyagnereva & Katrin Thormann by Mariano Vivanco

Published in Dazed & Confused September 2008

Fashion gone rouge

Ginta Lapina by Rony Shram

Fashion gone rouge

D&G Floral Trend 2011

Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana who have chosen a “flower” topic as the main topic for the new D&G collection line. Small floral patterns decorate every single model – long, light summer sundresses, flirtatious shorts, shortened tops, short summer dresses. Shop the Collection at Giglio.com
The two founders, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, D&G a fashion label inspired by the street, for a personal style free from the constraints of pre-conceived notions and formats. Dolce&Gabbana brand was created in 1985 and has grown to become one of the top luxury goods Groups worldwide.

How to Walk in High Heels

Monday, May 30, 2011

went to the big city, didn't drive much. I'm beginning to not like driving. I wish I could drive on the road, but I'm not ready. Been home for an hour now 10 mins til tuesday. Today wasn't soo bad, I got to use my fathers iPad to listen to music and play games. And lemme tell ya, those games are hella addicting man! Played this game called falling Fred(sp?) but it kinda pissed me off because I kept loosing. How the fuck can I loose if all I had to do is guide the boy who enjoys falling off of skyscrapers? Plus one of the players was Osama bin laden but they changed his name to Ogama bin ladder? Wtf. Anyways it's a fun game. The other game dealt with throwing frisbees!

postin it up tomorrow night. Tumblr, tumblr tumbling it up now!

letters on the nails

Daca te-ai plictisit de variantele clasice de manichiura frantuzeasca sau de culorile uni si preferi un model mai indraznet si neconventional, iata si o propunere interesanta si usor de realizat acasa: unghiile cu litere sau print de...ziar.

Pentru a demara opratiunea ai nevoie de:
- foarfeci
- baza lac de unghii
- orice foaie de ziar iti vine la indemana
- 50 ml de alcool tare, incolor (medicinal - atentie, nu spirt! - poate fi si vodka)
- lac pentru finisare (top coat)

Pentru inceput, toarna alcoolul intr-un pahar cu buza larga si taie 10 bucatele mici de ziar sub forma de dreptunghiuri. Aplica lacul baza. Dupa uscarea unghiilor, inmoaie-le in vasul in care ai pus bucatelele de hartie si acopera fiecare unghie cu cate un decupaj. Lasa-le putin sa se usuce, apoi desprinde usor hartia. Cerneala va ramane pe unghii. Dupa ce se usuca, aplica un strat de lac pentru finisare si asteapta 5-7 minute pentru o uscare completa. Gata! Pun pariu ca nu credeai ca arata atat de bine.

Acest tutorial gasit pe Youtube iti explica mai pe larg pasii pe care trebuie sa-i urmezi pentru a avea o manichiura inedita si bine realizata. Succes!


Bar Refaeli, Naomi Campbell, Janet Jackson @ amfAR Gala Red Carpet, 2011 Cannes

Sunday, May 29, 2011

tumblr, tumblr tumblr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


soo i came across this video, and omg.. this is quite disturbing HHAHAHAHAHAHA, i feel sorry for that cat, that's gotta be torture :P

soo im gonna drive on the road tommorrow! oooh shiznit this is going to be interesting. y'know what? im gonna go on facebook leave one more gain. all this "graduation buisness" needs to end and i gotta stay away from it. but its gonna start monday afternoon because i want someone to answer my question that i left on her wall.

i'll try and do a fashion spammy right niow:



Olivia Pires @ Marilyn NY
olivia 4 18 11 b (2)

Molly Myrsten @ Mikas
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Sui He @ Storm/NYMM


Xiao Wen Ju


Ismini Papavlasopoulou Muse NYC

muse management

there are alot of new beautiful models lately. i iwsh i new their last names soo i could post em here. but this girl is breathtaking: http://www.jillmodels.com/details.aspx?nav=3&sexid=0&modelid=507663&subid=6127&mainsubid=6127&indx=0

this computer lately.... has been crap. havent been on it much though, but my ipod seems to be taking over, but there's some stuff i havent touched yet. like those apps i downloaded,bought this new game called original gangstaz and still havent used it! it looks soo cool but each time i set it up for play i always x out and go on youtube :P yeah, im weird as hell.

tumblr really has taken over my life too! i wish i could fix my theme. downloaded another one but i deleted it because it didnt look as cool as i wanted it too be. now im back on the original theme. lame. but yeah, i'll be posting it up all night!!!!!