Monday, February 15, 2010

Formal Complaint

Dear Urban Outfitters
                     Your new carrier bags suck.
Sure they are 'stronger' but there is nothing right about being able to hold a bag full of shopping horizontally at a 90 degree angle. In addition the old bags were not exactly weak; I have never had any issues with the bags breaking before so the why the need for cardboard reinforced handles?
These bags are infact less environmentally friendly than the old paper ones. More trees are being cut down for unessesary excess reinforcement and an awkward shape. Its like a triangle paper lunchbag. Sure they are reuseable, but realistically am I going to be reusing it? No. Especially not with this shape. You try carrying more than one of these at a time, or carrying it in addition to mulitple other bags. It's not great fun let me tell you, especially not in Oxford Street or on the tube. You can't even hang them on your wrists, which is another major annoyance.
Its just a pain in the neck.

I'm sorry, I just can't justify these bags. They are just wrong.
Now you Urban Outfitters people can just sit there in your wrongness and be wrong.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Sort it ouuuutttt!
J xxxx

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