Monday, July 18, 2011

yesturday was problably the weirdest day of my life. yeah, im on my period but i never felt soo damn sick in my life. i couldnt even stand for two minutes as we were walking around the city. maybe its because i skipped breakfast that day, maybe its because i forgot to take tylonol(sp?)to ease the pain and go through the day. i reaaallly need to start sleeping in early such as ten or 11.

also, there's this trend thats been happening everywhere i go. idk know why but girls seem to love staring at me. i dont think i look that young in person, but now im convinced it's happening in every city we go to. even my sister believes so, and its now annoying the shit outta me. these girls are not even 10 years old and they just love turning their backs on me and watch every move i make. i rememeber recieving attention differently when i was their age, but now its gotten out of hand. and i understand there are people in the world who just love looking at little things for fun. but why me? there's nothin much to stare at other than the fact that im under 5 ft....lmao.

its been two days since i made a new account. i think im having problems again. why is facebook soo fucked up sometimes? oh well: thank goodness i made a new one, my old one def had memories, but it was fulll of pure bullshit that i just had to get rid of it. so far i have seven friends,and honeslty, i dont give a fuck about that right now. what i care about is that I need to be careful with this one and never do anything foolish again, no matter how small it is. like i said i live in a new city, and i dont know anyone. BTW i need time to actually do other things when im not on the internet 24/7....

oh yeah, speaking of the internet: the video was recently deleted off of youtube, but world star hiphop has the copy,

tbh with you, i dont "hate" this kid at all, and i did find this to be quite hilarious. but at the same time it drives me crazy to think that we have teens going on the internet for all the wrong reasons. first off, youtube is completely harmless when it comes to trolling, and you cant get affended by someone you dont fucking know esp on those sites! but when you play fire with fire you can pontentially destroy your life for good. just like what happened to jessie slaughter, this kid is going through the whole bullshit aswell; but in a different case. you just cannot force the whole youtube community to feel threatened over their own meaninless opinions. there are people who hate justin beiber, but im not one of them nor am i fan. i dont like this music but he's just a child making a living doing what he loves. when kids like this boy go on youtube and make videos declaring their love for their idols to the point they''ll hack so called haters is just crazy. hacking is a serious criminal offense, and if you post personal info on people you will go to jail for two years or more. and its not the FBI's job to help kids like that on a daily basis. i wish kids could wake up and smell the roses. you're still very young, make it last.

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