Thursday, July 21, 2011

alright, this is it. i'm getting closer to begin college! the problem is, why does everything have to be complicated, esp. when it comes to student loans?

because i got something in the mail explaining which awards i could afford based on the amount of credits i signed up for(which is, i believe, for one semester or more)t the school i must get a 2.0 GPA to even recieve this amount of money, which is fair. why recieve if you're not doing well? also i can sign up for a student loan(well obviously! everyone signs up for that)and if i ever need to borrow money i can go to the bank and get it, then pay for it later.

about the student loan, im kinda scared to go for it. because i want make my own money through something else,i wanna become somebody. i wish my dad was here and help me. and people say that i highschool, guidence counselors are supposed to help you with everything...what a sad joke :( if only USA was more like europe, where education and health care is free. which is partially why im considering modeling. i want to get away from this crazy life.

oh yeah, didnt i tell you itz blazing hot outside? its supposed to be over 90 degrees.

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