Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Hubby and I went to see Heartbreaker this afternoon at Rialto. Vanessa Paradis and Romain Duris totally out did themselves in this French rom-com where they go from one disaster (albeit a classy one) to another.

Heartbreaker is one movie that Hollywood wishes it could make. This movie is so entertaining, minus the dramatic Hollywood corn and cheese.

Alex (Romain Duris), his sister and her husband get paid to break couples up. They're unstoppable and they always break couples up when the woman is unhappy and deserves better. They have ten days to break up Juliette (Vanessa Paradis) and her husband Jonathan, before they walk down the aisle. Problem is that Jonathan... well, he's pretty much the perfect guy.

Warning: Patrick Swayze Dirty Dancing scene

Oh how I love a good French film with English subtitles. I just want to say that I wouldn't quite bother watching the American version of this film. Sorry America - it's not you, it's me. 

(*Sorry Jen, Kate, Ashton, Matthew et al... )

Like I've said before, the French always do it better.

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