Saturday, August 14, 2010


There is a weird and personal craze sweeping America as we sleep. DREAM CLUBS: men and women who get together to interpret their dreams each week.

The other night, my Hubby and I woke to me yelling "CALL THE COPS!" (I was having a good action dream). I don't know what my dreams mean or represent, but I commonly dream about these things:

1. Flying sky high and using my arms to propell myself higher. Doing lots of flips in the air.

2. Falling elevator. There is no gravity and I am floating inside as it falls.

3. Oncoming tsunami. When it hits, I discover I can breathe underwater and start talking.

4. Riding in an out of control car. I'm always in the passenger seat and always wake up before it crashes.

5. Missing an international flight. Running through the airport and then seeing the plane/rocket take off out the window.

I wonder if movies like Inception are helping Dream Clubs grow in size because of the exploration of dream content. Most probably given the movie's incredible success. Plus, the fact that Leonardo is starring probably doesn't hurt either.

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