Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The sweetest thing happened on Sunday. My female friend, who only wants to be known as Chris Harrison VI (the host of The Bachelor), came over and presented me with a pretty bouquet of tulips.

All the tulips were closed this morning, except for the pale pink one. By the time I got home, the other four had blossomed. So fast. I can only assume they had tulip fomo, hence the rapid speed!

Here's the 5-star, better than Hallmark card CHV1 made for me. It's cryptic indeed. I dare you to try and make any sense of it. Good luck!

Pretty pretty. It's good to know I have such genuine, caring and thoughtful friends. I said it once, I'll say it again. My friends are the best and I am blessed.

Thank you CHVI. Waiheke Island luxury, kareoke, food, spa, pool (with JETS one piece in tow) and your birthday piniata, plus your 80s birthday cake awaits! Three-to-the-OH, coming soon. Let me finish off with a quote...

"Plant a seed of friendship and reap a bouquet of happiness"

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